Friday, July 25, 2014

Home Theater Wiring Part 1

With home theater, there is a big difference between a box solution and custom design.  This three part article series will explore home theater basics and  design.
Custom Home Theater Wiring | Call Us Today | 480-926-1033
Custom Home Theater Wiring | Call Us Today | 480-926-1033
Home Theater Lighting
Home Theater Lighting | (480) 926-1033

The Home Theater Movement

What is home theater?  This definition from WIKIPEDIA.ORG cover it fairly well we think: "Home cinema, also commonly called home theater or home theatre, refers to home entertainment systems that seek to reproduce a movie theater experience and mood, with the help of video and audio equipment in or outside a private home.Beginning in the late 1990s, and continuing throughout much of the 2000s, home-theater technology progressed with the development of the DVD-Video format, Dolby Digital 5.1-channel audio ("surround sound") speaker systems, and high-definition television (HDTV). In the 2010s, 3D television technology and Blu-ray Disc have ushered in a new era of home theater once again.Home cinemas can either be set up by purchasing individual components or a HTIB (Home Theater in a Box) which includes all of the pieces from a single manufacturer. The benefit of component purchasing is that one can attain improved quality in video or audio with proper knowledge and research. For instance, some speakers perform better in smaller rooms while others perform better in larger rooms and seating location must be considered. One of the challenges with buying all the components separately is that the purchaser must understand speaker impedance, power handling, and HDMI compatibility. Given these challenges, HTIB systems are a simpler and more cost-effective solution for many families. [READ MORE]
While Theater in a Box is one solution, it doesn't work for everyone.  Another challenge that a box solution has is that it may not work if the speaker density is too small or too great depending on the room.  For example, let's say that you buy a theater in a box, but it is designed for a much bigger room than the room that you want to install it in.  You're going to have to make sure your sound is turned way down on it or you can deafen yourself and your guests, not to mention all of the noise complaints from your neighbors particularly if you live in an apartment.

Custom Home Theater Wiring

Someone who can help you with custom home theater wiring is your electrician.  They can not only connect the power cords necessary to power your home theater experience, they can also connect the audio and video components as well as tie them all into the mixer.
So remember, home theater keeps advancing and it is so much more than it was even a decade ago.  So, customize your solution, and give yourself a true home theater experience.
For more information on home theater installation, be sure to read part two and part three of this series, or one of our earlier articles here.

Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033

Friday, July 18, 2014

Swimming Pool Lights: Electricity and Water

In our last article, we covered the potential dangers regarding swimming pool lights.  This article will cover more about this serious safety concern.
Call an electrician to rewire your swimming pool lights | (480) 926-1033

Swimming Pool Lights: Replace Them If It's Been Awhile

A lot of people don't think of electrical danger where  swimming pool lights are  concerned.   They do pose a serious risk however, as these tips from the Consumer Products Safety Commission show:

CPSC's Safety Tips For Preventing Electrocutions In and Around the Pool
-Know where all the electrical switches and circuit breakers for pool equipment and lights are located and how to turn them off in an emergency.
-Refrain from swimming before, during, or after thunderstorms.
-Have an electrician who is qualified in pool and spa repairs inspect and upgrade your pool, spa or hot tub in accordance with applicable local codes and the National Electrical Code (NEC).
-Ensure that all electrical wires and junction boxes are at least five feet away from water, as required by the NEC.
-Protect swimmers from injury by following the NEC requirements for installing GFCIs:
-on underwater lighting circuits operating at 120-volts (CPSC recommends GFCIs for circuits that are 15 volts or greater);
-on pumps and electrical equipment used with pools, spas and hot tubs, including heaters close to the pool and operated on 240 volt circuits;
-on electrical circuits around pools, spas, and hot tubs;
-on all outdoor receptacles and receptacles within 20 feet of the water's edge to protect people from injury."
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission is charged with protecting the public from unreasonable risks of injury or death associated with the use of thousands of types of consumer products under the agency’s jurisdiction. Deaths, injuries, and property damage from consumer product incidents cost the nation more than $1 trillion annually. CPSC is committed to protecting consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical or mechanical hazard. CPSC's work to help ensure the safety of consumer products - such as toys, cribs, power tools, cigarette lighters and household chemicals -– contributed to a decline in the rate of deaths and injuries associated with consumer products over the past 40 years.  [READ MORE]
In our last article, we explored how serious the threat of electrical injury or even death can be from a cracked swimming pool light.

Electricians Are Required Personnel

It may be tempting to do it all yourself.  However, where electricity and water are concerned, you could be putting either yourself or your family at risk.

So remember, electricity and water don't mix.  Make sure your swimming pool lights are in good shape, there are no cracks in the covers, and that any wires are not exposed.  And make sure you call an electrician in Gilbert to check them out.  
Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033

Friday, July 11, 2014

Is it Time to Replace the Lights in Your Swimming Pool?

Is it time to replace your swimming pool lights?  Before you answer right off the bat, there are few things that you should know.

Replace Swimming Pool Lighting: Avoid Electrical Injury

Replace Your Swimming Pool Lighting in Gilbert | (480) 926-1033
Swimming pool lighting should be checked and replaced if necessary.  Why?  Well according to the US Consumer Products Safety Commission website: "As the weather warms up, swimmers across the country are heading out to backyard, community and public pools, hot tubs and spas. When it comes to pool safety, drowning is the first concern that comes to mind; but today, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the American Red Cross are warning of another hidden danger to swimmers: electrocution. There have been 60 deaths and nearly 50 serious shocks reported over the past 13 years involving electrical hazards in and around swimming pools. The CPSC is most concerned about faulty underwater lighting; aging electrical wiring that hasn't been inspected in years; the use of sump pumps, power washers, and vacuums that are not grounded; and electrical appliances (such as radios and TVs) and extension cords falling or being pulled into the water. All of these hazards present an even greater risk if the lighting, circuits, and nearby receptacles are not protected by Ground-Fault Circuit-Interrupters (GFCIs) – the best safety device to prevent electrocution. The best protection for families is inspection, detection, and correction of electrical hazards in and around swimming pools, hot tubs and spas," says CPSC Chairman Hal Stratton. "CPSC strongly encourages residential and commercial pool owners and operators to upgrade protection of the lights, receptacles, and switches with GFCIs. Older pools are the biggest concern, as underwater lighting fixtures may have degraded with age and may not be protected by GFCIs." [READ MORE]
A lot of people watch their children around water, which is a good idea, however, the dangers that people don't realize is that all it takes is a cracked light to cause an electrical discharge in the water.  As water is an excellent conductor of electricity it's a good idea to replace your swimming pool lights, particularly if it has been a while.

Swimming Pool Light Replacement: Just One Job for an Electrician

An electrician can also help you with other things that are electrical around your pool such as your pumps and filtering system.  Going indoors, an electrical contractor can also help you with things like accent lighting, or putting in a ceiling fan.
We can't stress this enough.  If you need to replace the lights in your pool, do not try this yourself.  For your sake and the sake of your family, call an electrician in Gilbert instead.
Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033
Contact Us

Friday, July 4, 2014

Hiring an Electrician in Ahwatukee

Hiring an electrician in Ahwatukee helps to make those home improvements a lot easier.

Ahwatukee and the Right Electrical Contractor

Call Your Electrician in Ahwatukee Today | (480) 926-1033
Hiring a professional electrical contractor in Ahwatukee is based an a combination of skill, whether or not they're licensed, and their reputation. Ahwatukee according to this article excerpt from WIKIPEDIA: "Ahwatukee is a triangular shaped urban village of the City of Phoenix, Arizona bordered on the north by South Mountain Park and Guadalupe Road, on the east by Interstate 10 and the cities of Chandler, Guadalupe, and Tempe, and on the south and west by the Gila River Indian Community. It is the southernmost of the city's 15 urban villages. As of 2010, the 35.8 square-mile (92.7 km²) neighborhood has a population of 77,249. Although annexed by the city of Phoenix between 1978 and 1987, before substantial residential growth, many of Ahwatukee's residents do not strongly associate their region with the rest of the city, due in part to its geographic isolation (South Mountain and South Mountain Park separate Ahwatukee from the other 14 urban villages of Phoenix, which lie to the north). Legend has it that in 1921, Dr. and Mrs. W.V.B. Ames built a house on approximately 2,000 acres (810 ha) on the southeast side of South Mountain. They gave the area its original Spanish name, Casa de SueƱos, which in English means "House of Dreams". Dr. Ames died within just three months of moving into the house, and after Mrs. Ames' death, in 1933, the house and most of the land was willed to St. Luke's Hospital.In 1935, the house and land was bought by Miss Helen Brinton, who appeared to have retranslated the name of the house to the Crow word which now serves as the name of the village.[READ MORE]
Where does an electrician come in?  Well, obviously, each of these homes and business has to have electricity, and with electricity, comes the need for an Ahwatukee electrician.  

Jobs that an Electrician Can Do

Need a new power panel or a dryer plug?  Call an electrician.  Need to install a ceiling fan?  Again, your electrician should be the person you call.  Why?  Well, for one, safety.  Electrical injuries and accidents cost a lot every year, and affect thousands of people in the US.  An electrician will be trained and knows not only how to install anything electrical, he can do it safely as well.
So remember, if you want to repair something electrical or install something new, it can be dangerous to do it on your own.  Your best bet?  Call in an electrician in Ahwatukee today.  
Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033