Part three of our series on home theater installation explores some final points.
Video and Home Theater Installation
There are a lot of choices out there for the video component of your home theater. So many in fact, it can be more than a bit confusing. Do you want to get HD, or non-HD? 1080P, or do you want to go lower to save money? Do you want to get a Smart TV and an Internet enabled device, or just cable and satellite? Your residential electrician can help you regardless of what choices you opt for, however, to clear up some confusion, here is some information.
HD is nice, however, be aware that some movies look bizarre when you try to play them in HD. For example, if you want to watch an old black and white movie, you could find yourself wondering why your movie looks like an old time soap opera from the 1950's? Next, be aware that your pixel count will determine your picture. The higher the picture count, the better quality picture you are going to have. One thing you also have to consider nowadays is whether or not to go with cable/satellite, or go for a high-speed Internet connection and an Internet enabled device such as a high-end Blu-Ray, game console, or internet device such as a Roku. A lot of customers are cutting the cable nowadays to save money, and it makes good financial sense. Sometimes cable bills can easily top $300 a month. A lot of times, people like to watch one show on each of the premium channels. Nowadays, a lot of people do what is called binge-watching, which means they rent or buy an entire season of a show and watch it usually over a period of a day or two. The next thing you want to know is where you're going to put your television screen.
Installing Video in Home Theater
First off, you never want to install your television anywhere that glare from lights or windows can fall on it. For one thing, if the light is too strong, you can conceivably damage your screen. On a more mundane level, if it is too bright, you're going to have light reflections on your screen. Ideally, you want your television either recessed into the wall, or shaded from light sources.
So as you see, there is a bit more to home theater installation than you might think.
For more information on home theater installation, be sure to read part one and part two of this series, or one of our earlier articles here.
Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033