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How Do I Install a Ceiling Fan?
As we covered previously, people usually call electricians for a few main purposes. They either call electricians to add new wiring to a home, like in the case of a room addition. They will call them in for electrical repairs; or they will call them in for a complete rewiring of the home.As for the best way to install a ceiling fan, that's simple. Hire a residential electrician to do it for you. Most electrical contractors in Chandler are more than capable of handling ceiling fan installations no matter how high your ceiling is or whether you wish to have your ceiling fan controlled by a remote device or a switch. Why can't you do it yourself?
Well, for one, ceiling fans are heavy. The average weight of a ceiling fan is about 10 lbs. That might not sound like a lot, but try holding it over your head for a few minutes while you struggle to put the bolts in. They will also make sure that the circuit you're putting your ceiling fan on will not overload.
Circuit Breakers and Power Panel Boxes: Another Reason For a Residential Electrician to Come By
Panel boxes and circuit breakers are some of the most important parts of your electrical system. If your circuit breakers are not working properly, you and your home could be at potential risk of electrical injury or fire.A licensed and insured residential electrician in Chandler will make all necessary changes to your panel box and if necessary, will upgrade your home electrical system. A professional will have your electrical outlets relocated to accommodate cord location, install under cabinet lighting, center light fixtures and add fault protection to the ground if needed. If you don't have a pro do these for you you can cause damage to your drywall or even to your wiring. An electrician can also help you with custom electrical work such as installing a power generator.
Home generators are usually designed to provide electricity
in case of power shortages for a short time duration. Home standby generators will not just light up your house but will also let some appliances (i.e. refrigerators, television, heaters, air conditioners, and furnaces) run. Stationery generators for home use require the expertise and skills of a professional residential electrician for installation.
So, be smart and don't be a statistic. Hire a residential electrician in Chandler.
Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033