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Commercial Electricians Service the Business Community
Chandler is very much a business community. The businesses in Chandler are diverse. And each of them need the help of a commercial electrician in Chandler.According to this article excerpt from Wikipedia:
"Computer chip manufacturer Intel has an influential role in city growth strategies with four locations in the municipal area, including its first factory to be designated "environmentally sustainable" under current Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) criteria.[11] Other high-technology manufacturing firms have partnerships with the local government,[12] their operations employing approximately twenty-five percent of non-government workers in 2007.[13] Although per capita employment growth in the sector has been in decline in Arizona since 2000, semiconductor and other electronic component manufacturing was largely unaffected;[14] a series of customized grants for the training of net new employees, incorporating the Phoenix urbanized area (twenty-seven thousand workers now commute to work in other communities), resulted in a larger market share of (Californian) industry.
Since 2003, more than 2,900 jobs and investments totaling $3 billion have been created along the Price and Santan freeways,[15] between Arizona Avenue and Gilbert Road in the so-called South Arizona Avenue Corridor" [READ ARTICLE]
Why Do You Need a Chandler Commercial Electrician?
Why do you need a Chandler commercial electrician? Well, wust like with residential electrical wiring, what you don't know can hurt you. If you are a big company like Intel or Orbital, you likely have your own in house electricians. But if you're a hair salon or a pizza place, what then?Well, you could try to hire a handyman and hope he knows what he's doing. Or you could get someone who is a residential electrician and hope for the best. What could possibly go wrong?
Everything in a word. Commercial wiring is very different than residential electrician. You're going to need a different wiring setup for a salon space or a pizza oven. If you try to use a setup geared for residential wiring, you could end up blowing a circuit. If a homeowner knocks out their electricity, it's annoying. To a business, however, it can mean lost revenue, which can seriously impact your business' profitability, particularly if the problem continues.
If you are a business owner, you specialize in that business. So a florist knows how to arrange flowers, a baker knows how to make confections and baked goods, and a Tai-Chi studio knows how to teach people how to move their bodies. None of these skillsets translates into "I know how to fix wiring."
So be a smart businessperson. Hire a commercial electrician in Chandler, AZ.
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Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033
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