Friday, September 18, 2015

Legal Reasons to Hire a Professional Electrician Contractor

Need a reason to hire an electrician in Chandler?  How about the law?
Electrician in Chandler | Call Us Today | 480-926-1033
Electrician in Chandler | Call Us Today | 480-926-1033

A Residential Electrician Has Liability Insurance

Theft, injuries and accidents could happen during any electrical project. With a liability insurance and workers’ compensation coverage, you’re fully protected from huge financial claims when a licensed electrician in Chandler sustains injuries at work or your property sustains damages.
People often hire unlicensed handyman or electricians to save some money, but without any guarantee of quality service, you could actually be wasting more money on recurring electrical issues that are not fixed properly. Worse, you may be jeopardizing the safety of your family or workers when you hire an unqualified electrician.  However, there are other legal problems you may encounter by not hiring a licensed and professional electrician.  You could find yourself in trouble with the city.

Electrical Injury, Fire  and Worst Case Scenarios

Building permits exist for a reason.  They are designed to make sure that any projects you're doing are within the confines of the law.  If you try to do a wiring project yourself and an electrical fire happens as a result, the city can legally fine you and charge you for emergency services.  All of which could have been avoided with the help of an electrician contractor.

But it's not just fire you have to worry.  There is also the very real danger of electrical injury.  Here is some information from OSHA:
"Electric shock is a reflex response possibly involving trauma
which occurs when electrical current passes over or through a
worker’s body. It usually involves burns and abnormal heart
rhythm and unconsciousness.
Electrocution occurs when electrical current passes over or
through a worker’s body resulting in a fatality.
Electric shock may cause muscles to contract causing a
worker to lose his or her balance and fall. An explosion
from an electrical incident can also cause a fall.
Electrical burns are the most common shock-related, nonfatal injury.
They occur when a worker contacts energized electrical wiring or
equipment. Although electrical burns can occur anywhere on the
body, they most often occur on the hands and feet." [READ MORE]
If you have any faulty appliance that needs repairs, a electrical problem that needs quick attention, or a new electrical outlet that needs to be installed, it is best to get a licensed electrician to do the job.
So remember, you want to be safe.  You want your home to be safe as well.  One way to accomplish this is to hire a licensed electrician in Chandler.  
Read another of our articles here.  
Dodge Electric
781 South Arizona Avenue
Chandler, AZ 85225
(480) 926-1033
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